P.O. Box 69, 2600 AB Delft, The Netherlands

Ing. John Lambert is expert in the field where civil engineering and geohydrology meet each other. He has a wide experience in applied geohydrologie, combining field methods (drilling, pumping tests, geophysics) with a theoretical approach (groundwater modeling, design of dewatering installations, prediction and monitoring of effects and risk management). He applies this experience in complicated, risky, calamitous and forensic projects.

John is also co-developer and patent holder of BioSealing ©; BioSealing is a self-steering, sustainable and cheap method to seal leaks by means of clogging of the subsoil. The clogging mechanism is induced by stimulating growth of micro-organisms. Under his guidance, BioSealing is now applied in the Netherlands, France, Austria and Japan.

He is also secretary of the International Unesco Working Group on Land Subsidence (Land Level Lowering).


  • Bacteria help to change soil properties. Lecture: GeoFlorida 2010.
    Guidelines for the construction of Geomembranes COB. Co-author. 2009.
  • Groundwater leakage stopped by bacteria. Geotechnical Conference, Madrid. 209.
  • The challenge to adapt soil properties Contribution to ACSE. The challenge to adapt soil properties Contribution to ACSE, Cardiff. 2006.
  • BioSealing and BioClogging. Lecture for the symposium on well-management Lambert, J. BioSealing and BioClogging, June 2th. Nieuwegein. 2005.