Gil Ochoa is professor since 2004 at ITESO (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente) in Mexico. He is currently the coordinator of the civil engineering program, he was coordinator of the Basic Academic Unit for Territory, Water and Energy Management; coordinator as well of the Geotechnical, Infrastructure and Territory and Ecotechnologies academies. He has taught subjects in soil mechanics and geotechnics, sustainable urban infrastructure, and management of soil resources in the in Sustainable Projects and Building graduate program. He has participated in collegiate organizations such as the Interuniversity Council of the Construction Industry (State of Jalisco) and in the Technical-Scientific Committee as an advisor for the topic “Geological Phenomenon in Ciudad Guzmán, Municipality of Zapotlán El Grande” of Civil Protection Unit and Firefighters of the State of Jalisco. His research is focused on the numerical simulation of groundwater flow and land subsidence, as well in the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of terrestrial materials, highlighting volcanic materials called pumice.
- Ochoa-González, G. H., Carreón-Freyre, D., Franceschini, A., Cerca, M., & Teatini, P. (2018). Overexploitation of groundwater resources in the faulted basin of Querétaro, Mexico: A 3D deformation and stress analysis. Engineering Geology, 245, 192-206.
- Hernandez-Marin, M., Pacheco-Martínez, J., Burbey, T. J., Carreón-Freyre, D. C., Ochoa-González, G. H., Campos-Moreno, G. E., & de Lira-Gómez, P. (2017). Evaluation of subsurface infiltration and displacement in a subsidence-reactivated normal fault in the Aguascalientes Valley, Mexico. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(24), 812.
- Carreón-Freyre,D.; Cerca,M.; Ochoa-González,G.; Teatini,P.; Zuñiga,F.R. Shearing along faults and stratigraphic joints controlled by land subsidence in the Valley of Queretaro, Mexico. 2016. Hydrogeology Journal. Published in the theme issue “Land Subsidence Processes” pp 1-18
- Ochoa-González G. H.; Carreon-Freyre, D.; Cerca, M.; López-Martínez, M. Assessment of groundwater flow in volcanic faulted areas. A study case in Queretaro, Mexico. 2015. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 54, Núm. 3. Pp 199-220.