National Security Institute
Department of Geosciences
Corporate Research Center
2020 Kraft Dr. RB16, Suite 2300 Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Manoochehr (Manoo) Shirzaei is an American engineer/geophysicist with the Department of Geosciences and National Security Institute at Virginia Tech, specializing in environmental security, natural hazards, coastal process, satellite geodesy, fluid mechanics, and crustal deformation. He has done expensive work on the theory of poroelasticity and fluid flow in porous media and its impact on crustal stress, fault reactivation, and induced seismicity. Dr. Shirzaei’s research also significantly focuses on coastal land subsidence, relative sea level rise, and flooding hazards. Conducting a comprehensive interdisciplinary research program, Dr. Shirzaei aims to improve the understanding of the underlying mechanism associated with extreme climate events, fluid extraction/disposal, changes in water resources, and relative sea-level rise o develop adequate adaptation strategies and mitigate hazards. The common theme is Dr. Shirzaei’s attempt to develop a better quantitative understanding of physical processes operating on the Earth and perform the scientific explorations needed to identify viable, just, and equitable strategies for responding to the diverse challenges climate change poses. Dr. Shirzaei’s utmost goal is to help mitigate the adverse impacts of natural and anthropogenic hazards in the climate change era through world-class Earth observation data and research, educating a new generation of scientists, and bringing awareness to the public.
- Ohenhen, L.O., Shirzaei, M., Ojha, C. et al. Hidden vulnerability of US Atlantic coast to sea-level rise due to vertical land motion. Nat Commun 14, 2038 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37853-7
- Ohenhen, L., and M. Shirzaei (2022), Land Subsidence Hazard and Building Collapse Risk in the Coastal City of Lagos, West Africa, Earth’s Future, 10(12), e2022EF003219.
- Shirzaei, M., J. Freymueller, T. E. Törnqvist, D. L. Galloway, T. Dura, and P. S. J. Minderhoud (2021), Measuring, modelling and projecting coastal land subsidence, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-020-00115-x.
- Blackwell, E., M. Shirzaei, C. Ojha, and S. Werth (2020), Tracking California’s sinking coast from space: Implications for relative sea-level rise, Science Advances, 6(31), eaba4551, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aba4551.
- Ojha, C., M. Shirzaei, S. Werth, D. F. Argus, and T. G. Farr (2018), Sustained Groundwater Loss in California’s Central Valley Exacerbated by Intense Drought Periods, Water Resources Research, 54, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017WR022250